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Blowsticks & Valves > Highland Reeds Quick Stop Drone Valve
Highland Reeds Quick Stop Drone Valve

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Price: $54.00
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: HRDV

Achiltibuie Highland Reeds Quick Stop Drone Valves (3)
The tension on the Achiltibuie Quick Stop Drone Valves is now screw adjustable, giving greater accuracy. Once properly installed to suit your blowing strength, the Highland Reeds Quick Stop Drone Valves should ensure that you strike your pipes in without difficulty, provide a steady flow of air to your drone reeds, and close tightly when pressure is decreased to ensure a clean "cut-off."
Note: A zippered pipe bag is required for installation 
The Highland Reeds "Quick Stop" Drone valves are included with the Highland Reeds Drone Reed Moisture Control System, if you're looking for greater moisture control too.



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