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Pipe Band CD's > Field Marshall Montgomery - Debut
Field Marshall Montgomery - Debut

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Price: $16.95
Prod. Code: CD3FMM1

1) REELS: The Shetland Reel - The Successful Lover - John Keith Laing - The Shetland Reel
2) HORNPIPE, STRATHSPEY & REELS: Jim Lamberton's Backup - Jane Campbell - John Roy Stewart - The Lintie - Willie Murray's Reel - The Poisoned Dwarf
3) 6/8 MARCHES: Angus MacKinnon - Leaving Port Askaig - Dr Ross's 50th Welcome to the Argyleshire Gathering
4) 14/8 & HORNPIPES: Random Star 10 - The Bumpy Old Road - Maxwell's Bonnet
5) MEDLEY: Steal Away - Miss Barbara Grant - Ian's Wedding - Johnny the Tree Wrecker
7) JIGS: Tripping Up The Stairs - The Hay in the Kiln - My Darlin Asleep - Tripping Up The Stairs
8) MSR: The Highland Wedding - The Ewe with the Crooked Horn - The Brown Haired Maid
9) DRUM FANFARE: Out of the Trees
10) 6/8 MARCHES: Farewell to the Creeks - Gobspie Gala Week - Ballochyle
11) MSR: Edinburgh City Police Pipe Band - Tulloch Castle - John Morrison of Assynt House
12) MEDLEY: Ben C Nevin - McPhendran's Strathspey - A A Cameron - A Cup of Tea - Miss Girdle - The Swallow Tailed Coat - The Cliffs of Doneen - Colum Ian - Merrily Danced the Quakers Wife - Queen of the Rushes

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