Contents of Laughlin's Guide to Pipe Band Drumming:
Understanding Terms
Note Values
Rest Duration
Mono-linear Notation
Understanding Time Signatures
Simple Time
Compound Time
Dotting and Cutting Notes
Getting Started: Holding the Sticks, Metronome Use
Single Strokes
Double Strokes
Triplets: Elementary
The Paradiddle: Elementary
Buzzes and Rolls
Elementary Embellishments
Paradiddles: Advanced
Triplets: Advanced
Rolls: Advanced
Continuous Roll Movements
Single Strokes: Advanced
Embellishments and Single Strokes Combined: Advanced
Drum Scores
Beginner March
4/4 Massed Band Setting
2/4 Massed Band Setting
3/4 Massed Band Setting
6/8 Massed Band Setting
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